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A glass of whole milk, a serving of cheese and yogurt all may help people who suffer from gout. You may be surprised by the science behind dairy and gout… Source by iammomba
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7 Health Benefits Of Bananas Some of the professional athletes can’t imagine their training without a banana. It is a long lasting energizer and a delicious mind booster. But before going through the health benefits of bananas we need to go through its rich nutritional value. In 100 gr. of banana, there can be found 371 KJ of energy! And […] The post 7 Health Benefits Of Bananas appeared first on HealthyFood365 . www.healthyfood36… Source by suscognamiglio
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*10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar* Strengthen your immunity, enhance your mood, improve your digestion–just to name a few!! Make sure it is Organic, Raw, Unheated, Unfiltered, Unpasteurized & Certified Non–GMO. It should look cloudy with the 'Mother' of vinegar….. A good brand to try is Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar! Source by howielee
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Learn about causes of gout. Uric acid is generated as we metabolize the food we eat and as the body’s tissues are broken down during normal cell turnover. Some people with gout generate too much uric acid (10% of those affected) and are medically referred to as "over-producers." Other people with gout do not effectively eliminate their uric acid into the urine (90%) and are medically referred to as under-excreters. Genetics (our inherited genes), gender, and nutrition (alcoholism, obesity) Source by truthaboutagout
Turmeric and ginger are botanically related to each other and have both been used for centuries as spices in cooking and as medicinal herbs. These herbs are recommended for treating gastrointestinal problems, inflammatory conditions and… Source by sharonschreckengost
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Are you on anti-inflammatory diet? Here is a list of foods to avoid to reduce inflammation of any kind. Keep in mind these incredibly important list of foods to avoid like: white sugar, sweeteners, peanuts, vegetable oil, dairy, etc! Click on the image above to find out more about the 10 of the most potent and hazardous chemicals in the environment you need to be aware of and avoid as much as possible through your lifestyle choices and purchasing decisions. Please pin to save for later! Source by nitehawk31
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